I'm not quite sure how to go about this whole blogging thing or if I'm really even up for this, but after forcing my husband to set it up for me, I better finally write something. It's not that I hate writing or lead such a boring life I have nothing to write about. Well, actually I do live a pretty boring life but that's not important now. I wanted to start this blog because I found something I'm pretty good at and love doing and when you're lucky enough to find something like that, you want to share it.
I've always enjoyed making things. I grew up in sort of a hands on family and realized that if you saw something you liked, don't go buy it....make it yourself. Except for sweaters and such. I don't do knitting. I tried but I'm just not coordinated enough. So over the years I've made a quilt top (note I said only top...it's never actually been quilted), appliqued t-shirts, stitched samplers and at one point I think I even tried to make flowers out of ribbon. That was a failure. Not gonna lie. Anyway, I had the mentality that I could do things but not always the success and it really kinda bummed me out.
And then I discovered chalk paint. Or rather, the recipe for homemade chalk paint. And then, right there in the middle of my garage under the frosty glow of flourescent lighting and surrounded by the spiders and spider webs my husband obviously was ignoring, I found something I was good at. And it was fun and it combined my love of finding junk at a good price with my desire to TRANSFORM stuff (I put TRANSFORM all in caps because that's the buzz word at work nowadays and I always say it in a booming voice every time I read it....so it really did need to be in all caps). Now I have cans of paint everywhere, a laundry basket full of my painting supplies and a dining room that doubles as my painting area. My garage has furniture stacked ready to be painted and my children know that when I put on the hot pink painting shirt and ugly black shorts, Mama's gonna be busy for awhile and they better fend for themselves out of the pantry or die of starvation for the hour at a time I spend painting and ignoring them.

Anyway, so I guess this blog will be about what I'm painting and any other projects I find my way in to. There will probably be lots of sarcasm too, because that's a pretty integral part of who I am, and references to my growing-up-too-quickly twin boys and my dear husband. By the way, why do women bloggers always give their husbands a nom de plume when they write about them. That annoys me. My husband's name is JASON. I will henceforth refer to him as Jason. Ok....and maybe doofus, but only on occassion.
So to tempt you into actually coming back to read more, here's a quick before and after shot of one of my first pieces. Hope to see you soon
Lovely 80's shiny oak round table.....
And here she is after. She has two coats of my homemade version of Old Ochre, two coats of clear wax and one coat of dark wax. She's topped off with a stencil from the Graphics Fairy done with Citra-Solv.
I feel like I've done a good deed for mankind by ridding the world of one more shiny 80's table.
Come back soon!